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Brenda Embry

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I used to love burning candles but when my husband, Greg and I started having children I stopped burning them because of the fire hazard, the danger to little reaching hands and the toxic chemicals that effect tiny developing lungs.  So,  I was so happy to find these beautiful warmers and wonderful smelling, NON-TOXIC wax that is a safer alternative for candles.   It has been such a blessing!  I love my job, I love the commute to work, you know, from my bedroom to the computer.  :)  I love my hostesses and the parties we have!   I love the fact that I have a fun job that doesn't take me away from my family for more then a few hours a week! I've always stayed home with my children and I needed to continue to be able to do that and this has allowed that. Joining Scentsy has been one the of the best things I’ve done in my life. It pays the bills or pay for the extras in life, whatever we need at the time. I’ve earned a free trip to Cancun, a 7 day Caribbean cruise, a trip to Punta Cana and several convention registrations and other rewards! I never in a million years thought I could travel for free. I’ve met wonderful friends and helped others reach their goals and dreams. I thank God everyday for my Scentsy business and my Scentsy family.        

What's warming in my home